How to initialize the lens of my PTZ cameras?

For IP camera, please apply the following preset code:

Please use preset 189+204+20 (call PRESET 189, PRESET 204, PRESET 20 successively) to initialize the lens over daytime.

Please use preset 189+205+20 (call PRESET 189, PRESET 205, PRESET 20 successively) to initialize the lens over night.


If the above doesn’t work, please apply the following preset code:

Please use preset 250+251 (call PRESET 250, PRESET 251 succsessively) to initialize the lens over daytime.


You should notice distinct lens movement and the initialization shall take a few minutes to complete.

If you cannot make the lens to initialize properly, please feel free to contact [email protected] for assistance.


For Analog camera, please apply the following preset code:

Please use preset 97+108 (call PRESET 97, 108 successively) to initialize the lens.